Back problems!

Back problems! | Thierry Payet

Back problems!

Could you be to blame?

Back pain can be completely life changing, and is caused by a collection of seemingly unavoidable, innocuous and sometimes contradictory sins! Activity, inactivity, working, childcare, driving-you know, all the things that it is almost impossible to avoid and lead a relatively normal existence.

The causes and solutions are far too numerous to cover completely here, but what follows is a brief discussion of the avoidable, self-inflicted behaviours that can commonly cause injury.

The back will unfortunately deteriorate as we age and live. It is a race against time to straighten, strengthen but if we are not careful we can start a race toward chronic back issues and mobility problems.

THE TORTOISE repeated behaviours that have slowly built up stress over time.

THE HARE one off, untried or unusual activities, where we have attempted something new, been too ambitious and exerted ourselves unwisely.



Underestimate, Underprepare, underperform! – Understand?

We pay little attention to that which we do every day. It is great to have all of the equipment, support, nutrition and knowledge to help us perform in the gym, but how long do you spend in the gym vs your bed, office or car? Do you have an ergonomic bike or multi-gym, but not an ergonomic chair, keyboard or mouse?

It is just as likely that bad lifestyle habits routinely repeated will be the cause of your back pain as it is to be caused a one off trauma or strain. If you knew what these were, you wouldn’t do them, so consulting a professional is a good way to break this cycle. Their objectivity and experience can help uncover something you are doing regularly and unconsciously.

A visit to any Osteopath, physiotherapist or chiropractor will involve trying to understand which behaviours could the source of your back problems.  This is cannot be achieved merely by touch and examination, they will ask you numerous lifestyle questions- you are the most important information resource here. They cannot observe you every hour of every day, so help them by paying attention to everything you do in your daily routine. Your posture, seated and standing, screen time, recreation, footwear, work responsibilities. If your pain hasn’t been caused by a specific event, Identifying as much about your life as possible is key to creating a profile for treatment and prevention.


Overconfidence, Overenthusiasm, Overexertion,

The back injury is often the unforeseen consequence of well-intentioned plans to strengthen and improve other aspects of our health.

It is important to set yourself achievable goals, sympathetic to your body. Marketing in the fitness industry is geared towards immediate results and intensive programmes- a boot camp culture. It is easy to get caught up in this and try and move too quickly-perhaps going straight to MMA is not the best starting point after 15 years on the sofa! Ambition is great, use it, bottle it, let it drive you to succeed-but do some low impact prep work before jumping in at the deep end! Work on cardio, strengthening and stretching the areas that you will be using, and build up slowly listening to your body. The weeks/months of recovery time needed after a back strain occurs is a high price to pay for going too big, too fast or for too long.

If you are new to any activity, unfamiliar movements can be easy way to put strain on your back. Key techniques and sensible body positions are taught to youngsters entering any new sport/activity, but not necessarily the keen but rusty/uninitiated adult. There is more information out there than ever on Youtube and online, but this can be as dangerous and misguided as it is useful. Swallow your pride, do a short course, however knowledgeable you think you are in the field-the likelihood is that a lot has changed since your heyday-see a professional who is up to date with all the newest advice.

You have taken the conscientious steps to get your body ready, and your techniques well practiced and sound-don’t overdo it! All that effort will be useless if you try too much, too soon.

Our team can help

Bodilight  have worked hard to assemble the team you need to understand and treat your long term or newly discovered back problems. Prevention is better than cure here, and our Osteopaths or sports physios will work with you on a plan with you to improve awareness, decipher the origin of the injury, and work towards prevention moving forwards.



Dry Needling

Dry Needling | Thierry Payet

Dry Needling

This article will knot be afraid to get right to the point-I will give it my best shot. You will of course learn a few interesting facts about dry needling, but you do run the risk of further crimes against humour. You have been warned!

What is dry needling?

The use of small needles to stimulate muscle twitch response in order to help conditions such as joint pain, tennis golfers elbow, muscle/ligament strain, tendonitis/osis, sciatica, chronic pain and many more.

Why choose Dry Needling?

I am not a hippy, but I personally like to avoid taking medication unless completely necessary. It means when I need to use it, I have a lower tolerance and the medication works better. I like to use these things sparingly, but I don’t want to suffer in silence. Thus if I can find treatments with little or no side effects, and less chemicals in my body, I will give them a try!


Why is the needle dry-will it hurt more?

The simple answer is no. The distinction of ‘dry’ in the title of this therapy refers to the lack of any liquid, or indeed medication as such being delivered. If anything, the process will hurt less due to this. The needle itself is the medicine in this instance, most patients do not feel the needle going in, and at most feel a slight cramping sensation in terms of pain.

There are a number of terms used to describe dry needling.

These can include;

Trigger point dry needling (TDN)

Intramuscular manual therapy

Myofascial needling

Dry needling is not Acupuncture, it derives from modern western medicine rather than ancient Eastern practices. Despite being different in purpose and ethos-This is perhaps a good way for the uninitiated to visualise the treatment.

A needle is used to mobilize and oxygenate inflamed, tense or certain other targeted areas (trigger points) on the body. This assists with pain reduction, mobility improvement and rehabilitation of the area in question. It is essentially a complimentary approach to massage for the acute of trauma or strains.

When we injure ourselves, the body immediately looks to protect the area and limit the damage by preventing further usage-simplistically It does this by limiting blood flow, we experience this as swelling to the area in question. After this has occurred, scarring or fibrosis can prevent movement returning to its usual state. The first step in treatment for injury is often to release the area from this protective state, improve blood flow, muscle mobility and reduce pain.

Dry needling approaches this by using a hollow needle breaking down the scarred fibres that inhibit recovery and creating a “Local twitch response”. The initial area of effect experiences a beneficial mechanical response may be localised, but advocates of this method report positive chemical and neurological benefits.

If you are looking for pain or injury treatment that is not invasive, and doesn’t involve medication, this could be a great option for you. As with any treatment, please seek advice from your doctor to be sure this is appropriate for your particular needs.

Dry needling is offered as part of a holistic approach at Bodilight and is used alongside other methods. Please drop in for an informal chat with our team of experts to discuss the best course of treatment for you and whether needling may help.

